Posted in Uncategorized on 04/03/2011 by GhostRider

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Prayer – Some more dialog with TGO.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on 12/11/2009 by GhostRider

You can read entire blog … “Pope urges prayer, action to comfort AIDS patients” and the ensuing comments, at:

Some small excerpts from TGO’s Blog directed at me: 

“…In response to GhostRider’s commentary. No, the reason I do not believe in prayer is not a result of praying for something and not receiving it. I don’t believe in prayer because I do not believe that there is a God, much less a God who “listens” to our wishes. If there was a God it would be quite clear to the objective observer that he/she/it could care less about humans on this small rock we call Earth; not when one considers the suffering mankind has endured since the beginning of time. This is certainly something which an all-good, all-loving, all-powerful Being could no doubt have prevented…

…as to the “energy” or “force” that supposedly helped GhostRider recover from his near-fatal (not fatal since he’s obviously alive) accident…

 …During difficult times, as far as I’m concerned, I’ll take my chances with people; family, friends, doctors, etc., and leave God and invisible “forces” to others…”

 TGO, beloved yet naïve, friend of mine. You know very well that Webster and I had a fallout decades ago and we are rarely on the same page when it comes to definitions, but when writing, “fatal accident”, I was using my poetic license. I did experience “clinical death” – Check with Webster on what that is since you and Webster are like married or something – and that’s as fatal as I would have wanted it to be. Obviously, I am alive as you point out and if I chose the scientifically correct description of my experience, instead of the dramatic, “fatal accident”, I would have written that I had a near death experience – defined as a phenomenon in which a person clinically dies or comes very close to death only to be revived and then can recall in great detail stories of spiritual worlds and other supernatural events (since you are a stickler for using the definitions as chosen by the “flock”).

As you stated about, “…taking my chances with people; family, friends, etc. during difficult times…”, and as I recall, that’s exactly what I did – not a hard choice to make, or not a conscious choice at all being that I was in a coma – and as I also recall, it was those very people, the ones that you state you would, during difficult times take your chances with, the friends, family members, that were doing all the “praying”.  I myself was not doing any praying, unless you would construe the mantra that was repeating deep inside me, “I’ve got to get the hell out of this freakin place”, a prayer in and of itself – which it was – and as far as I’m concerned, being that I am not a religious person, I myself was not directing that “prayer” at God. BTW, I find it funny how you group God in with things like, microwaves, gamma radiation, the wind, and even love and hate, when you state, “I’ll leave God and invisible forces to others”. As for the prayers of family and friends and where they were being directed to, is insignificant and not of my concern. For all I care, they could have been praying to, “the man on the moon”, the results were that I did come back to life and recovered and I appreciate and love them dearly for having prayed and creating some sort of “energy” that was not only experienced as reality by me but kept sustaining my struggle during that entire time and I suspect, that even you TGO, being the friend that you are, and against your radicalized atheistic nature, in some sub-conscious way that went undetected by your “self”, prayed for me too.

TGO, I understand that to a radical atheist as yourself, just as to many others, anything with the word prayer in it, is of a religious context and I’d like to point out that my interest in “prayer” does not lie in the religious or spiritual realms but in our actual and concrete reality. If we want to examine what prayer might be, we have to turn to an unlikely ally. No, not to God, or The Bible, not to the spiritual, not to any religion nor to anything in the supernatural or metaphysical realms, but to one of our own sciences: quantum physics. TGO, since I have known you, you have always thrown the supernatural, the metaphysical, and anything that you cannot grasp or comprehend, into a group with “ghosts”, “goblins”, etc. or just labeled it “Mumbo-Jumbo”.  Let me take a quick moment for definitions here. BTW, these are not definitions according to me. There are as defined by the “flock”.

Metaphysics: A division of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature of reality and being and that includes ontology, cosmology, and often epistemology… Metaphysics investigates principles of reality transcending those of any particular science… It is abstract philosophical studies: a study of what is outside objective experience… The philosophical study of being and knowing.

Supernatural: Of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe; especially: of or relating to God or a god, demigod, spirit, or devil… Attributed to an invisible agent (as a ghost or spirit).

Quantum physics: The study of matter and energy at the deepest and most subtle levels possible… The branch of physics based on quantum theory which is a theoretical basis of modern physics – it’s been with us since the late 1800’s and in 1900, physicist Max Planck presented his quantum theory to the German Physical Society – that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level.

As you can see, Quantum physics is not related to, nor has anything to do with the metaphysical or the supernatural. It isn’t Mumbo Jumbo although for a man as my own father and many from his generation and educational background, it might as well be. Is it spooky? I guess you could say it is. It freaked the hell out of one of the most brilliant minds to have ever existed: Albert Einstein. As brilliant as he was, I suspect Einstein was a bit of a skeptic. (At least in the way my Doctor describes a skeptic. In the field of medicine she sees a skeptic being, “A doctor who looks at the data – what is – and doesn’t believe it.” ). But to his credit he continued “tinkering” with these sciences and till his death, kept trying to discover what was missing that would unify, not disregard, quantum and classical physics. I am sure when the existence of a round instead of flat world was discovered, it was spooky as hell thinking you’d fall off when you rotated and were facing “down”.

First of all, prayer has to be one of the oldest pursuits of mankind. We can only assume that it has been with us as long as humans have been around. Prayer, even before language existed, was probably right on the tip of the tongue of the first caveman who heard thunder or saw lightning strike a tree.

I am not going to get into neither the metaphysical nor the supernatural realms to examine what prayer might be, nor does my interest in prayer lie in any of man’s religions. We will turn to quantum physics, one of the most rigorous and challenging sciences in existence. In the last twenty years, this science has been shaken to its very foundation by a series of startling discoveries.

Quantum physicists keep finding that certain kinds of feelings affect their own experiments. It is of course, known and accepted by quantum physicists that the observer of the experiment affects the experiment. This is a basic law of Quantum Mechanics. Researchers in microbiology have found, for example, that human feeling either tightens or loosens the stranding of human DNA on a microscopic slide outside the body. In other words, researchers would be looking through a microscope at DNA, and the quality of the feeling in the room, the observers’ feelings, would wind that DNA tighter, or would unwind it to a looser state.

Quantum science is beginning to bear out, through study and experimentation, this relationship between human emotion and feelings and the outer world. For example, recent research says the magnetic nature of human emotion is directly linked to weather patterns and the barometric pressure.

TGO, the material world may, at some level, lie beyond comprehension, and, hey, there is nothing in my tiny, feeble, broken up and informal academic background preparing me for these kinds of relationships, on the other hand, they are showing up and are being recorded in our world today. Examples like the studies by Roger D. Nelson at Princeton Universe in his paper called, “Wishing for Good Weather: A Natural Experiment in Group Consciousness,” and also Lauri J. Robinson’s work at Franklin Pierce College, showing that human interaction with cloud formation/dissipation indicated results that were “significantly greater” than those predicted by chance.

Quantum physics seem very esoteric, as when a scientist explains how, on a subatomic level, it’s possible for a particle to be in two places at the same time, or to disappear into or appear from what could be an infinity of invisible dimensions. Or how, according to certain aspects of quantum physics, there’s really no reason why we shouldn’t be able to envision the future just as easily as we remember the past, since the past, present and future are all part of the same continuum.

According to Anton Zeilinger, professor of physics at the University of Vienna, physicists have merely scratched the surface of something much bigger. Zeilinger specializes in quantum experiments that demonstrate the apparent influence of observers in the shaping of reality. “Maybe the real breakthrough will come when we start to realize the connections between reality, knowledge and our actions,” he says. The concept is mind-bending, but it is well established in practice. Zeilinger and others have shown that particles that are widely separated can somehow have quantum states that are linked, so that observing one affects the outcome of the other. No one has yet fathomed how the universe seems to know when it is being watched.

Somewhat easier to grasp is the scientists’ consensus that the observable world is a kind of “matrix of energy,” in which our consciousness is a powerful force, and what we see internally is as “real” as what we view externally, and capable of altering that outer reality. So, maybe that is where the dynamics of prayer take place.

If Quantum physics shows us that we change the basic nature of matter just by thinking about it, maybe it’s the human mind that releases some sort of energy radiation that is capable of interacting directly with matter. And maybe, just maybe, “prayer” releases that energy that emanates from the human mind that has a direct effect on the environment.

Dr. Bryd, a cardiologist with San Francisco General Medical Center completed a research study involving 393 patients between August 1982 and May 1983. He divided the group into 192 patients who were prayed for, and 201 who were not prayed for. He reported that among other things, the people who were prayed for were five times less likely to develop pulmonary edema, pneumonia, or other post-surgical complications. They also died five times less often than the patients in the control group.

Maybe that energy comes directly from our own “heart and soul” and is filtered through various parts of the mind. Or maybe that energy is what some call the, “divine creative force”.

TGO, if you want to be narrow minded, so be it. It really won’t make a difference or change reality. This whole area that we discuss periodically is not simply based on “beliefs” to me. I have lived it. Experienced it firsthand. It is as much reality as the reality of your experience reading this, or having spoken to me earlier today. I have been in that a kind of “matrix of energy”. Bathed in it. Soaked it in.

And ever since, I can’t shake a “feeling” that life here on Earth is a gift, not a test. It has purpose and meaning unique to each of us. We each have a “mission” to bring a sort of energy that is unique in each of us, to life. And we each chose to experience this human life in order to grow, evolve, and expand who we really are.

Happy Holidays to All

GhostRider / OneLove

In Response to The Great One’s Blog

Posted in Religion with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 11/11/2009 by GhostRider

You can read entire blog, “Vatican looks to heavens for signs of alien life” at:

My favorite blogger wrote,

“The Vatican engaging in science??? What a bunch of hypocrites!!! I wrote an entire page on this. Unfortunately I lost the composition and am too tired to write it all over again; maybe tomorrow with more energy. For now, suffice it to say that the Vatican (Catholic Church) is comprised of a group of businessmen who are in it for the money. They don’t believe in God, the Bible, heaven and hell, and all the rest of it. It’s all about business and maintaining a faithful following who can continue “donating” to the cause.

Much like Islam, Judaism and Scientology (truly comprised of  unadulterated crappola) and all the rest of the world’s faiths, Catholicism is a business disguised with supernatural BS that an individual with no more than a minimalist IQ can see for what it really is; a farce. Unfortunately, most individuals possess less than a minimalist IQ.”  TGO

TGO, my skeptic friend, and it is on purpose that, even though I can refer to you as my “atheist friend”, I chose the word, “skeptic”, for you are much, much, more than just simply an atheist, at your core you are a skeptic. You go beyond telling someone that you don’t believe in God. You go down to your very own core and tell them that you don’t believe that they believe in God. Actually it is incredibly logical and rational for you to think that way. Being incapable of believing that a God exists makes it impossible for you to grasp how anyone can believe in a God, and so you then continue on, as a way of justifying your inability to grasp or understand concepts formed outside of the world of classical physics, and denigrate all those beliefs that you don’t believe in and they are not just of a religious nature.

That said; let’s go to topic at hand. For me, the Vatican is made up of no more, or less, hypocrites, than any other group of men. Politics has hypocrites to the right and left. Educators, Academics, Medicine, Sports, all are composed of, believers in what they do, and hypocrites, the ones that follow a, “do as I preach, not as I do”, doctrine. While distasteful, I can’t see society functioning any different. I can’t see a Tennis champ signing a kid’s autograph and not taking a, “Don’t do drugs” stance. I can’t even see a husband even telling his wife that when it comes to marriage, he is a hypocrite.

But I won’t be a skeptic, unless I know other wise, I will generally, “believe”, in mankind. As to the Vatican engaging in science, I would say that it would be hypocrisy if it didn’t. It does show that at least they continue to slowly chip away at all the programming and indoctrination that generations have inputted.

As to the Bible not mentioning aliens or alien worlds, it doesn’t, quite simply because it was written thousands of years ago by people who didn’t have the knowledge and technology to explore this possibility. The same reason why it doesn’t talk about dinosaurs and the last ice age and the shifting of continents, nobody had the technology to discover these. People couldn’t contemplate anything outside their own world; space was little more than a decorative wall paper for them, rather than something physical that could be moved through. Stars were all the same to them, pin-point light sources that grouped together to form familiar patterns. They never thought that if they were to look at the Sun from really far away, it would look like another star, that’s why there is a distinction between the two. Since they didn’t have telescopes they wouldn’t have been able to find other planets, or distinguish Venus as a planet rather than a star.

Earth was classed separately to everything else because they could not see anything else with their naked eye that looked like Earth and therefore could support other life.
Therefore since The Bible doesn’t talk about these things and since the writers somehow brainwashed people into thinking The Bible they’d written is the complete and absolute truth; it never crossed any one’s mind to consider these concepts until the technology came along.

Of course, it now does and one would have to be a hypocrite to think otherwise.

But, TGO, since you think most individuals possess less than a minimalist IQ, enough of my thoughts. I leave you with the thoughts of someone who possessed a little more that minimum IQ.

A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.  (Albert Einstein, 1954)

The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms – this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness.  (Albert Einstein – The Merging of Spirit and Science)

Lastly, please TGO, don’t include Scientology in with Islam, Judaism and Catholicism, for they truly, truly are, a money making scam that prey on those who, like an old childhood friend of mine, Humberto Fontana, who is now imprisoned by their brainwashing, the lost and weak.

Cheers – GhostRider

Posted in Uncategorized on 07/25/2009 by GhostRider

I was reading a blog on my favorite blog site, and I was semi-thrilled when, as I read along, I realized that I was being paraphrased. The blog reads:

… I’m not in favor of the Israelis and against the Palestinians or vice versa. Personally, I believe that both groups are completely and utterly (up to their eyeballs) full of crap. The Israelis with their “the chosen people” BS and the Palestinians with their Allah-crap; both groups are just religious fanatics who have been fighting and killing each other for thousands of years and will probably continue to do so until the end of time.

All of you religious people, especially the Jews, Muslims and Christians, need to stop, THINK, and lighten up. As a life-long friend of mine and very bright individual often says: “It doesn’t make a difference…” This statement is simple yet brilliant. “It doesn’t make a difference” folks, believe what you will… It just doesn’t make a difference. Once again, “it doesn’t make a difference.” TGO.

I have often thought that my philosophical point of view that, “nothing makes a difference”, is always being misconstrued by this bloger, my closest friend. I’d like to clarify that:

We are a species that are too cocooned by self-comforting habits and ways of being; habits of avoidance, denial, defensiveness, and so on, and one of those is this conscientious search for, “what difference do we make”. No other life forms get stuck on, get paralyzed on the questions, “Do we make a difference”, “Does anything make a difference”.

I remember as a kid, finding an ant hill, trampling all over it, returning a day or two later and finding rebuilt all over again. I’d trample it all over again only to find that they would rebuild all over again, and so forth and so forth. The ants never stop to wonder if it made a difference. If this happened enough to a human they would undoubtedly stop for fear that their efforts don’t make a difference. Even though we seem like we are searching for a difference, the difference doesn’t show up. We continue killing each other; we continue betraying our wives, our husbands. We live as if it doesn’t make a difference because when the difference we are searching for does not show up, we get stuck.

I say, lets just all agree to the fact that, nothing makes a difference and move on. If we would truly grasp… If we would understand, truly get, that nothing makes a difference, at that point we would also grasp that if, nothing makes a difference, then that fact itself, that nothing makes a difference, would not make a difference.

Can you dig it? That, nothing makes a difference doesn’t make a difference. And here is where the redeeming value lies and what my friend misconstrues. It does not make a difference that nothing makes a difference. We can choose to live life, as if, it makes a difference.

Live life, “as if”, it makes a difference. If, as individuals, as cultures, as people with different religious beliefs, as societies with different political systems, we lived life, “as if”, it makes a difference, then, and only then, would life make a difference and if life makes a difference, tell me reader, would it really make a difference that nothing makes a difference?

If, we lived life as if it makes a difference, does it make a difference that nothing makes a difference?

Anonymous – Not I

Posted in Religion with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 06/24/2009 by GhostRider

Unlike Anonymous, a cultural phenomenon which began on internet image boards, I have no problem putting my identity on the firing line if I happen to piss of the Church of Scientology enough. Although some of you may think I hide behind the GhostRider name, you can clearly see who I am on the, “About GhostRider…” page. GhostRider happens to be a character I created while writing the screenplay, “Bittersweet Dementia”, but I am sure that if I under went psychoanalysis, some textbook “PhD” would conclude that GhostRider is my alter-ego. This is where I’ll ask my signature question, “Does it make a difference?”

I do want to clarify that this is just how I choose to play the game but I have no problem with Anonymous and greatly respect their mission. I do agree that their knowledge is a fruit of their anonymity and their will as a whole is the combined will of individuals. Anonymous has left its mark on society more than once. Anonymous projects have resulted in the closing of the white-supremacist radio show produced by Hal Turner, and the criminal prosecution of Canadian pedophile Chris Forcand. Anonymous has been called a “Cyber Vigilante Group” by The Toronto Sun and Global News, to name but a few ways they have made a difference.

When it concerns Scientology, I understand why they wear masks. The primary reason for the masks is the protection of their identities, the protection of their lives and livelihood. Due to Scientology’s Fair Game policy – a quick summary would state that any person declared Fair Game by Scientology may be attacked by legal or illegal means, and the Scientologist who commits this act may not be punished by the cult for it – they put themselves at risk socially, politically, and financially when they speak out against this dangerous cult. This is a cult that has earned a reputation for harassing critics and openly critical ex-scientologists at their homes and workplaces, and while they claim to have ended the policy several decades ago, they did so only in name. The cult continues to practice this policy to this day. For an in-depth article on the Fair Game policy, go to the right sidebar of this page and you will find the, “Operation Clambake” link.

Taking measures to protect their privacy and anonymity when confronted by an aggressively litigious cult – a cult whose mantra is “Never Defend, Always Attack!” – is a matter of common sense. Does this mean that GhostRider has no common sense? Maybe, and maybe, that GhostRider has got nothing to lose.

In “Bittersweet Dementia”, GhostRider dies by the hands of Humberto Fontana, one of his wedding ushers and close teenage friend. Mr. Fontana, or Humby, as he was affectionately known, not only to GhostRider, but to his tight knit circle of friends and family, was lost to Scientology in the mid-eighties at the Miami Church and continued on to become The Director of Social Reform under The Office of Special Affairs, formerly know as The Guardian’s Office.

Here we are in the year 2009, 3 years after GhostRider comes to life following the experience of a consciousness awakening from the result of a near death experience, and he is still reaching out to the friend that taught him how to drive manual transmission. Still out there, Little Buddy?

A Warning to GhostRider (about Scientology)

Posted in Religion with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 06/15/2009 by GhostRider

Friends… As I was about to start writing a commentary on the infamous Church of Scientology and a childhood friend of mine who had worked his way up, making it, at least for awhile, as the Director of The Office of Special Affairs, the church’s internal police, I received this “warning” from a cyber source of mine. The source is known to me simply as DT (Deep Throat?), and only as a cyber entity. Instead of my commentary, I leave you with the “warning”.


My friend, before I say anything I must first say this. You will be swimming in the deepest waters that exist on this planet right now and without a life vest, you will sink to its darkest depth. Your purposes are very noble, but, if I were you, I would play the lottery everyday for the rest of your “cycle”. You will have a better chance of success without a hint of nightmare attached to your life.

This childhood friend of yours, Humberto Fontana, is a very dangerous man, devoid of any emotion whatsoever for the GE. I would have pegged him as the successor to Miscavige but in many ways, he is an even smaller man and not a visionary as is Miscavige. He is an “enforcer” for the church and their Office of Special Affairs, and the best I have seen. You have to understand something about what it means to be an enforcer in their species. It would not be of solely a physical nature as let’s say, a mob enforcer but is adept at entering a person’s consciousness and control the mark in a more profound manner than by just plainly “bitch slapping” you. To my knowledge, he has been granted immunity on at least one suspicious death case, that of Lisa McPherson’s.

Hesitantly, let me give you a crash course into their mission. Forget about the scam, the money making aspect of it. Believe me, those are just tools to further their quest.

This is an excerpt from a taped conversation with L Ron Hubbard in 1974 and his quotes affected very strongly.

“The GE is a family man; the GE is lost without a family. It’s very strange, but Homo sap i.e. a family unit. The GE is built on that basis. It’s fascinating, fascinating. It’s not important to know it but a lot of your urges toward families and so forth are not thetan urges at all, they’re the GE. The GE can’t survive at all without a family unit. He’s just as dead as a mackerel if he isn’t a family unit, whereas your thetan is just dead as a mackerel if he gets too mixed up in family units.

You can’t talk to GEs; they’re kind of psycho. And by the way, you can fall into this dreadful trap with a GE. You see, he uses the MEST universe with which to build. He’s gotten very, very bad off and he has to use MEST materials all the time.

So, you get this situation here with the GE, and your GE is busy: build, build, build, build, and build. And, of course he’s got to have a family to build with.

You get this terrific family thirst. And you get your GE surviving best and being loused up the most because of inter-family relationships.

And your thetan, by the way, can much more easily go into a group. Families are not good groups; they’re bad groups.”

My friend, for you to understand why this quote affected me so strongly, I have to translate LRH’s Scientology-speak into plain language. First of all, the GE is the Genetic Entity. The Scientology Tech Dictionary defines it this way:

1. That beingness not dissimilar to the thetan which has carried forward and developed the body from its earliest moments along the evolutionary line on earth and which, through experience, necessity and natural selection, has employed the counter-efforts of the environment to fashion an organism of the type best fitted for survival, limited only by the abilities of the genetic entity.The goal of the genetic entity is survival on a much grosser plane of materiality.

2. Formerly referred to as the somatic mind. It has no real personality; it is not the “I” of the body. This is the “mind” of an animal, a dog or a cat or a cow.

3. That entity which is carried along through time, that is making the body through the time stream, through the action of sex and so forth.

Now let me tell you how I understood it when I was in Scientology. I want to try to give you a window into how Scientologists think. I want you to understand how it could possibly be that Scientologists turn against their own families and see it as an ethical thing to do; how Scientologists can see their feelings of love and loyalty to their families as something psychotic, something they need to do away with in order to be good Scientologists.

GhostRider, this is how Scientologists are taught to think: The Genetic Entity is the part of a person that is still tied to the universe of Matter, Energy, Space and Time – known as the MEST Universe in Scientology — that we will leave behind when we are able to become stably exterior with full perceptics. This is the real goal of a Scientologist – to be free of the MEST Universe, to be able to discard the body and be completely free of the limitations of MEST. When enough Scientologists reach that goal (a goal which no one to my knowledge has yet attained) and Planet Earth has been cleared, they will be able to travel at will anywhere in the galaxy to clear other planets and, eventually, the entire MEST Universe. They will do this without the encumbrance of their bodies, of course. They will be free of their bodies. They will just pick up new bodies on whatever planet they go to. They might be meat bodies like the ones on Earth, or they might be doll bodies, or any of a variety of other kinds of bodies thetans use throughout the MEST Universe. But the point is that they will be able to mock them up at will, because they will be totally at cause over MEST.

Obviously, for someone who has it in their head that they are trying to leave the MEST Universe behind, the Genetic Entity – and everything connected to it — is something from which one would have to distance oneself. In fact, there is an insulting slang term in Scientology for someone who is too much into their body, or too much into their family – meaning their husband or wife, their children, their parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents. A person like that is considered to be “stuck in the GE.” That’s a very bad thing in Scientology. Very out-ethics. Psychotic, in fact.

When LRH said in the tape excerpt that “your urges toward family are not thetan urges at all, they’re the GE,” what he was saying was that anyone who puts any importance on the family is going in a direction toward MEST, not Theta. That is an out-ethics thing to do. It is putting counter-intention on the forward motion of Scientology. It is holding back the entire group.

When he said that “Homo sap is a family unit,” he was denigrating Homo sapiens for caring about family. He was saying that Homo sapiens, the evolutionary phase of the human race before Scientology came along, is a terribly primitive creature. Homo Novis, the superman that Scientology has made possible, is the next evolutionary step, the superior being. Homo Novis isn’t interested in families. Homo Novis is at cause over Matter, Energy, Space and Time. Who needs a family when you can exteriorize at will? Who needs to procreate? Who would want to hold onto any connection to the MEST Universe once you realized that those connections are doing nothing but holding back the forward progress of the entire human race?

It is Homo Sapien – “Homo sap,” as he says in the tape – which needs a family. It is Homo sap who still has a connection to the GE. But you see how LRH lets you know what a degraded being – what a Homo sap – you are if you care about your family. Listen to what he says: “the GE is as dead as a mackerel without the family unit, but the thetan [that’s Homo Novis, which is only possible to attain through Scientology] is as dead as a mackerel if he gets mixed up with a family unit.” So you are actually putting up a roadblock to Mankind’s forward progress by clinging to old, primitive notions such as family.

The message here is clear. If you’re an ethical Scientologist you are not going to hold onto MEST relationships like your family. You are going to be much more interested in theta relationships like your fellow Scientologists – people who have risen above MEST-oriented relationships and are interested only in theta-based relationships – those that will further Scientology’s aims. An ethical Scientologist only wants to associate with others who are also striving for the enlightened state of Homo Novis.

GhostRider, as you know, I no longer adhere to this belief system. I am no longer a Scientologist. But for fifteen years I distanced myself from my family and the friends I had had before I got into Scientology for this very reason – I did not want to contaminate myself by associating with unenlightened people. In Scientology this is called contagion of aberration; you don’t want to be around people who are stuck in MEST because it might rub off on you. You don’t want to do anything that will slow you down from becoming an enlightened Theta Clear.

The term Suppressive Person, or SP, and Potential Trouble Source, or PTS, it is upon this fundamental concept that these terms are based. An SP is someone who is so stuck in the MEST Universe (so solid) that they can’t bear to have anyone around them who is moving in the direction of theta (the opposite of solid). A PTS is someone who has allowed themselves to become vulnerable to an SP’s influence and is therefore getting more solid – less theta.

This is why Scientologists distance themselves from the rest of society. It is why the Sea Org members in Clearwater refuse to make eye contact with the citizens of Clearwater when they walk down the street. It is why the Scientologist son of a dear friend of mine has refused to speak to his mother for thirty years.

Today, I see the Genetic Entity, Homo Novis, and the whole idea of isolating oneself from the so-called MEST Universe and concentrating on becoming Theta Clear as a delusion of grandeur which originated in the unbalanced mind of L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard was unable to have healthy relationships with his parents, his three wives or any of his children. But instead of taking any responsibility for these failed relationships, he blamed his family members. Then he took it a step further. He created an entire cosmology that would justify his inability to have successful personal relationships. Families are bad, friendships are bad, any close relationships are bad, because he was incapable of having them. All he could conceive of was a world in which there is no love, no compassion – nothing but impersonal, cold-hearted relationships based on statistics and the “greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics.” What he said in the tape transcript sums it up: “Families are not good groups; they’re bad groups.”

But, GhostRider, my friend, I will be totally honest with you. Not only may I be wrong, but, all indications point that way. If that is the case, I will tell you this with an incredible certainty. Homo Sap is doomed and at some point in the future, will no longer exist. Contact me when you get into LA.

Good Luck GhostRider,


Email Review 06/09/09

Posted in Religion with tags , , , , on 06/09/2009 by GhostRider

Let’s talk about an email I received: (and keep ’em coming)

GhostRider, I admire your stand, and as Christian we have no right to judge. The Muslims as well as Jews, and so forth are all under the heavens with only one God. The problem is not the Muslims; the problem is the Radical Muslims which are the ones that are waiting feverishly for their messiah. I listened diligently to a journalist that was held back in Kenya some time back because he had evidence that Obama was tied into the radical Muslim Odinga whom he helped personally raise 1 million American dollars for his campaign in Kenya. This same man brutally killed no, Murdered many Christian believers in Kenya when he was not elected as president.

This is the president to the great FREE nation of the USA who wants to have a talk with the president of Iran who has very publicly announced the inhalation of the US and the coming of the Muslim Messiah. We are all God’s children, but it is not only our right, but our duty to shine our light, stay evidently in prayer and glorify Jesus Christ as the only messiah worth Glory and praise. If we don’t stand up right now and advise our brother and sisters, we fail to pass on to all, who is the one and only true God whom I will defend always. There have been way to many ties in the president’s life to the radical Muslims, and as the old saying goes ” where there is smoke there is fire”

There have been way to many ties in this man’s life to the radical muslims, and as the old saying goes ” where there is smoke there is fire”   We need to pray and be very wise about our decisions, personally I don’t like either of them, but the country is split in two right now and I don’t want to risk –not advising everyone I know the details I am learning.

 Madame X


And I, Madame X, admire, that you “take” a stand, but I do not admire “stands”. I neither admire my stand, nor do I admire your stand. Stands are an artificially created point of view, a perspective, a set of believes, in an individual. They are created by the programming we get from our parental units, the geographical environments we’re raised in, the religion we’re born, not chose, in to. The way I see it, about having a stand, is this. By genetics, I am not a sheep, and by choice, unfortunately bad choices, I am not a shepherd, even had I wanted to be one. Of the two, sheep and shepherds, sheep do not have or take a “stands”; they just follow blindly, being led by others, and it sounds to me that right now you are being led by others.

Ok, where to start…where to start… Let’s start with your opening: You opened with, “As a Christian we have no right to judge”. You continue by saying how the Muslims, as well as Jews and so forth, are all under the heavens with only one God. Very true. There can only be one God, only one Creator. Regardless of how that God manifests himself, how God chooses to reveal himself as, to you or I, or to a Muslim, or to a Jew, or to a Buddhist, it is the same God, for there can only be one God.

It was like BAMM, you judged right after saying we had no right to judge. Like when someone says I’ll be honest to you. Weren’t they being honest previously? So, I said to my self, “Self, is this a group of humans that is not under the heavens of God”. Could it possibly be that I can judge, that I have a right to judge, those humans, which are not under the heavens. No, that can’t be for we have already agreed that we are all under the heavens of one God. Then you write, “The problem is not the Muslims, the problem is the Radical Muslims”.

So the ones you are judging are the Radical Muslims. So now I think, “I have a right to judge, those humans that are radical? Do I maybe have a right to judge a Radical Jew? Do I maybe have a right to judge a Radical Christian? As I contemplated, I thought, maybe I do have a right to judge any radical even if they are those of my own religion, for was it not, my Church, the Roman Catholic Church, that murdered millions with its inquisitions? Boy, did they clean house or what? They thought it was going so well in their own initial area that they expanded the franchise. There was the Medieval Inquisition, the Spanish Inquisition, the Portuguese Inquisition, the Roman Inquisition. Incredibly, Portugal and Spain consisted largely of multi-cultural territories conquered, taken away, stolen, from Muslim control, but did that stop our beloved Roman Catholic Church inquisitors? Not at all. They gave them selves the right to judge. So, from the 1100’s, to the late 1800’s, The Church rained unmerciful terror and murder. When it comes to religions, my Church, the Roman Catholic Church, were the Super Bowl Champs for a thousand years, give or take a couple of hundred. But, hey, lets give credit to the Protestants, lest we forget, they too, are Christians.

As recently as in 2000, Pope John Paul II called for an “Inquisition Symposium” and opened the Vatican to external historians. Their findings called into question certain long-held beliefs. It emerged that more women accused of witchcraft died in the Protestant countries than under the Inquisition. For example, the Inquisition burned a little less than 100 women in Spain, less than 50 in Italy and only four in Portugal, but 50,000 in Europe and 25,000 persons condemned as witches died in Germany. Madame X, the person I am right today, is not a fan of any religion, be it Christian, Muslim, or Jewish. Religions were all designed, crafted, made up, by us. But I’ll tell you this. I am a fan of Jesus Christ and a fan of His Sermon on The Mount.

Let me finish  by correcting that you are not being led by, rather, you are being mis-lead. Baptized as an Anglican in his youth Odinga became a Born-Again Christian after he had been baptized in Nairobi by David Owuor, a man known for being a self-proclaimed prophet known for his doomsday warnings particularly those were he foretold of half of Nairobi being destroyed in a massive earthquake, which never happened, of the National Repentance and Holiness Ministry on Sunday 3rd of May 2009, Odinga had previously announced that he had been born again on stage alongside David Owuor during a mass prayer meeting in the Rift Valley town of Nakuru in April 2009 and a handful of journalists and evangelical Christians were invited to attend Odinga’s baptism ceremony at a private residence in Nairobi.

So much for all the religious bullshit either way.  The Sermon on the Mount next time.

Ben Stein’s Last Column

Posted in Commentary, Uncategorized on 06/07/2009 by GhostRider

For many years Ben Stein had written a biweekly column called ‘Monday Night At Morton’s.’ (Morton’s is a famous chain of Steakhouses known to be frequented by movie stars and famous people from around the globe.) Ben terminated the column to move on to other things in his life.

An Excerpt from:

“Ben Stein’s Last Column…”

How Can Someone Who Lives in Insane Luxury Be a Star in Today’s World?

…how can a man or woman who makes an eight-figure wage and lives in insane luxury really be a star in today’s world, if by a ‘star’ we mean someone bright and powerful and attractive as a role model? Real stars are not riding around in the backs of limousines or in Porsches or getting trained in yoga or Pilates and eating only raw fruit while they have Vietnamese girls do their nails.

…they can be interesting, nice people, but they are not heroes to me any longer. A real star is the soldier of the 4th Infantry Division who poked his head into a hole on a farm near Tikrit, Iraq. He could have been met by a bomb or a hail of AK-47 bullets. Instead, he faced an abject Saddam Hussein and the gratitude of all of the decent people of the world.

…I came to realize that life lived to help others is the only one that matters and that it is my duty, in return for the lavish life God has devolved upon me, to help others He has placed in my path. This is my highest and best use as a human

Faith is, not believing that God can. It is, knowing that God will.

By Ben Stein


What a crock Bob Stein’s last column was. Good Riddance I say to his column. The way an essay starts and ends is always a giveaway to the point the writer is selling. He starts his “point” by writing:  “…a real star is the soldier of the 4th Infantry Division who poked his head into a hole on a farm near Tikrit, Iraq. He could have been met by a bomb or a hail of AK-47 bullets. Instead, he faced an abject Saddam Hussein and the gratitude of all of the decent people of the world…”

 OK…So he is selling WAR and the technique he is using is called, Propaganda.

 Propaganda is a concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behaviors of large numbers of people. Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognition, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist.

 But why is it propaganda? Because the truth is that soldier of the 4th Infantry Division and the others, will not face the “gratitude” of all of the decent people of the world. PULEASEEEE. Sadly, oh, so fucking sadly, they will face what all the soldiers that fought in Nam have endured since they got back home after going off to “liberate”, “free”, and “fight for democracy”, and, “gratitude”, is not what they faced. If it was hell that they faced and endured behind the lines, then it was a subtler kind of hell they endured once they were back home.

 A beautiful Egyptian girl I met in NY once said some words to me that will always remain within me. “FIGHTING FOR PEACE IS LIKE FUCKING FOR VIRGINITY”.

 Too bad Stein didn’t point out the obvious by writing that a real star, is not a President who orders these boys to go kill Evil in the name of Good like Bush did. A real star is a President who convinces the Evil to be Good. Not with bullets to the head that ends consciousness but with words to the heart that light the darkness.

What President Barack Obama was doing today in Cairo, Bush could have chosen to do 8 years ago after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 instead of creating the the U.S.- led war in Iraq. After all, since, according to the White House, Obama’s planned speech contained no new policy proposals on the Middle East, all Obama was doing was calling for a “new beginning between the United States and Muslims “, saying that “together, we could confront violent extremism across the globe and advance the timeless search for peace

For Stein’s last point, he ends by writing, “Faith is not, believing that God can. It is, knowing that God will.”

So, he is also trying to sell Religion and give the reader the feeling that God was supporting the war. What a crock that is. None of Christ’s teachings, which are really all packaged neatly in his “Sermon on The Mount”, hint that what Bush did is right. We just have not truly gotten, or have not understood, what the teachings of Christ were all about.

On my next blog, more about that sermon and possibly, whatever quirky philosophical statement I’m trying to make.



By the way: Ben Stein served as speechwriter for U.S. presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford and a piece of the Radical Religious Right. He has frequently written commentaries on economic, political, and social issues. Recently, he has become an outspoken critic of evolutionary theory, which he describes as “Darwinism,” and an advocate for intelligent design. He is the son of noted economist and writer Herbert Stein who worked at the White House. On May 3, 1976, Time magazine speculated on the possibility of Stein having actually been Deep Throat. In 2007, Stein chastised the police and the GOP leadership for their response to the Larry Craig scandal. Stein said that Craig’s sexuality should be a non-issue: “A party that believes in individual rights should be rallying to his defense, not making him walk the plank. I guess Ben must support the installation of GLORY HOLES in public toilet partitions.

GhostRider & Friends comes to life.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 04/04/2009 by GhostRider

Good Friday. Of course, we all know what Good Friday is. Ironically on April 14th of 2006, Good Friday took on an additional meaning for me. I died – if only in the clinical sense and if only for 3 minutes even though it took me over a month to “get back” – I was in a coma for 35 days. You’ll read the whole story in the coming weeks but right now I want to answer, “Why a Blog”.

We’ve all heard about our lives “flashing” us by as we’re dying and the thoughts about regretting things we hadn’t done. It wasn’t like that at all for me. What was really “killing” me (excuse the pun), was all the things I hadn’t said. I had a need and a desire to speak and I couldn’t. I don’t mean the physical and vocal part necessarily, although the lack of that ability does carry a certain horror with it. Mainly it was not being able to “express” myself. Maybe, what it turns out that we really are is just an expression. Maybe each one of us are, or is it supposed to be, is, a unique and beautiful expression.  And in the medically induced coma I was in for a month, a controversial procedure that not all doctors are convinced of its effectiveness, I found that I was no longer the expression I came to know as “me”.

Perhaps no aspect of mind is more puzzling than consciousness and our conscious experience of self and the world. Despite the lack of any agreed upon theory of consciousness, there is a widespread consensus that an adequate account of mind requires a clear understanding of it and its place in nature. We need to understand both what consciousness is and how it relates to other, non-conscious, aspects of reality, but let me not get carried away in that direction just yet.

On this blog site, only those who care what I, as GhostRider, or friends, have to say need visit. Who are “The Friends”? I am hoping you all are. As I suggested, maybe all each of us is, is a unique and beautiful, human expression. As such, I invite the reader to be a friend and “express” themselves by either reading what get posted here, or by being a subscriber and commenting on what gets posted here, or as a contributor, by posting your own thoughts here (I know you’re dying to). It’s all good.

Are you interested in consciousness, quantum philosophy, near death experience research? I am, but most of all I’m fascinated that many of you out there, may still believe that things unseen are in the realm of the supernatural. I for one, not only have convictions regarding these issues but I have and would like to hear from those of you who have thoughts to share. What is important to me is not whether your beliefs are similar to mine, but rather that they are expressed, period. Intelligibly or dyslexically, I feel strongly both ways. Be patient with me as my humor can bit a bit esoteric at the beginning.

Love and Peace

Bernardo aka GhostRider